Advisory Council
Vilis Vitols, the chairman of the Advisory Council
Dainis Vingris, the vice-chairman of the Advisory Council
Guntis Belevics, the member of the Advisory Council
Sandra Kalniete, the member of the Advisory Council
Vilis Vitols, the chairman of the Advisory Council
Dainis Vingris, the vice-chairman of the Advisory Council
Guntis Belevics, the member of the Advisory Council
Sandra Kalniete, the member of the Advisory Council
Things are not going easily at the moment, but with your help we will continue to build the Garden of Destiny – relentlessly and irreversibly. We are attempting to complete it as a gift to Latvia on her 100th birthday. If by chance we do not complete it on time, there is no cause for concern. Construction of St. Peter’s Church in Riga took a total of 282 years. It will not take us that long.
Aija Kinca, LTV journalist The Garden of Destiny is our gift to Latvia on her 100th birthday. The gift is so can give Latvia a tree by planting a tree in the Garden of Destiny. You can give Latvia a rock – and we need so many rocks.